Saturday, March 27, 2010

Sale to Dark Recesses and other News!


Alright, I just sold my story--At Least the Dead-- to Dark Recesses, and I’m silly happy. They’re a market I’ve been trying to crack for a while because I love what they publish, and they’re all shiny. A big thank you to a few friends who helped with their opinions: Shaun Ryan, Kevin Wallis and Ben Eads. You guys rock.

In other news, I decided to stay away from Facebook and some other sites that had started to eat up large chunks of my time (and brain power) the last week. The break was great! I finished a number of projects and my eyes don’t ache. And even better I got to read some real books! Which is something my soul has been starving for.

Two things I read this week, both highly recommended, are Greg Gifune's “The Bleeding Season” from Delirium Books and Shock Totem's first issue. Okay, Gifune knocked me flat. The Bleeding Season is a dark mix of Crime, Human Nature, and Horror all wrapped up in beautiful, gut-wrenching prose. I’ll be buying another of his books ASAP.

And Shock Totem’s first issue is excellent! The quality of the magazine blew me away (I know, tired cliché, but oh so true) and I read all the interviews first (all great.) Once I dug into the stories I realized something. They’re stretching new ground with the diversity they have going here, in subject matter and styles. Big kudos. Some of the stories were stronger than others (personal taste thing going on) but all of them were a treat for my brain projector. My two favorites were “The Dead March” by Brian Rappatta, and “Thrity-Two Scenes from a Dead Hooker’s Mouth” by Kurt Newton. Buy it, read it, you won’t regret it!

Now I have to work. Thanks for stopping by! Treat yourself well.



Kara McElhinny said...

Lee! I didn't know you had a blog! this place is nice, and congrats on your acceptance! It always feels great!

I'll be back, (oh, it's Hinny from ST :P)

Happy writing

Fox Lee said...

Congrats on the sale! : )

Lee Thompson/Thomas Morgan/James Logan/Julian Vaughn said...

Hey, Hinny! Thanks for stopping by and thank you for the congrats! Yes, I like to keep my little web presence a secret (people scare me.) I hope your writing is going great as well! Looking to hear you've a second acceptance soon!

Nat! Thank you! I hope that you're feeling better and enjoying Spring!

K. Allen Wood said...

Oi! Congrats on that, and thanks for the splendid pimpage. =)

Lee Thompson/Thomas Morgan/James Logan/Julian Vaughn said...

Hey, Ken! You're welcome! Thanks to you and your team for putting together such a knock-out product! Looking forward to issue 2!