Reviews of my work


***NURSERY RHYMES 4 DEAD CHILDREN*** (May, 2011/Delirium Books/Novel. This is Book #1 of the Division stories)

Review of NR4DC by Sheri White.

by Peter Schwotzer at Literary Mayhem

***AS I EMBRACE MY JAGGED EDGES (April 2011/Sideshow Press/novelette)***


Mark Justice on Pod of Horror 63 (1 hr. 21 min) mark

Peter Schwotzer on Literary Mayhem

Bec Zugor

Rich Sampson on Skull Salad Reviews

Bob Freeman on Page Horrific

Mark Allan Gunnells

The Occult Detective

Neal Hock on The Bookhounds Den

***A BELL RINGING IN THE EMPTY SKY (Dec. 2010/Tasmaniac Publication's Festive Fear 2/short story)***

T.T. Zuma on Horror World

***CROOKED STICK FIGURES (Feb. 2011/Delirium Books/short story)***

Greg Fisher The Undead Rat

Neal Hock on The Bookhound’s Den

GradeZ Horror

Sheri White

Jennifer at Book Den

***BEFORE LEONORA WAKES (Feb. 2011/Bloodberry Market/YA Novel)***

Glen Krisch

Jennifer at Book Den

***DADDY SCREAMED WITH US (April 2010/Darkside Digital/short story)***

Shock Totem