Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Good stuff...

Got my new job! I’m so excited. Spring through fall is always busy for me and this year won’t be any different. I’m looking forward to making more money (means I can buy more books, save and take the winter off to do nothing but write, and a number of other things I dig.) I’ll have to wake up at 5 every day so I can write and jog before work, which is fine by me. The weather has been wonderful lately, and I’m enjoying all the sunshine. I’m far too white.

Also received this awesome DVD in the mail today and watched it. Excellent material! Love it! ***Charles Beaumont: The Short Life of Twilight Zone’s Magic Man…***

Almost finished reading Tim Lebbon’s UNTIL SHE SLEEPS. Really enjoying it. This is only his second book I’ve read, but I can see why he’s won awards and readers talk about him.

Working on my next novella (IMMERSION) and I think I’ll have the first draft finished by the 1st week of May. Yes! It’s a bit different for me. Or at least it feels that way. All of my favorite things seem to be popping up though—family turmoil, questions about identity, love, joy, sorrow, rage, hallucinations, pain. Hopefully it’ll be in some of your hands by the end of the year. I’m positive readers are going to dig it, and hopefully I’ll grow a little more in the process of writing. There are new things for me to explore, new lessons to learn, old questions to answer.

Still adapting a story for a local theater and just the idea of people acting out my work kinda makes me grin like an idiot.

Once the paperback for Nursery Rhymes 4 Dead Children is released mid-May I’ll have to work on lining up a few signings just for the hell of it. I could dance and sing and throw copies at people. Good plan, right? I have some other things I should do too, but right now I’m happy just working and writing and enjoying the friction luck makes when it kisses my four leaf clover.

My latest guest blog (***On Editing***) is live on Ms. Cindie Geddes blog. Give ‘er a read if you’re of a mind to. Thanks!

And the lettered hardcover of my novella ***AS I EMBRACE MY JAGGED EDGES*** is up for pre-order. It has a bonus story I’m very proud of too, and a character I plan to use in another story soon. I’m really excited. Can’t wait to get my author copy and molest it.

Not much else going on here. Beautiful weather, a new book, great reading material, an excellent DVD documentary, some music. Life is good. Smile, people!


Jennifer said...

Fantastic. :)

Tony said...

I've heard chucking books at people is pretty effective. That's my plan to. Be sure to scream, "Heads up" a few seconds before it hits them, that way they turn into it for added oomph. :-D

I'm looking forward to the paperback releases of your books. I hate admitting this, but I'm simply way too broke to pick up the limited editions, as much as I'd love to.

Jassen said...

Glad to hear the news about the job!

Lee Thompson/Thomas Morgan/James Logan/Julian Vaughn said...

Thanks, Jennifer! And yeah, Tony, screaming "Heads up," before it hits them for the added omph is fun. :O Thanks, man. I hear you. Signed/limited books are awesome but put a big dent on the pocket book. :P Jassen: Thanks, man! I'll give you a call this weekend and we can catch up with what's going on, dude!

Qweequeg said...

Good news all around, but hearing the bounce in your "voice" again is even better! *happy*

Lee Thompson/Thomas Morgan/James Logan/Julian Vaughn said...

Thanks Qwee! Hopefully I'll get to catch up with you this weekend when I'm on the net for a couple hours. :) Hope you're doing great, too!